Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sitting here in tears...

How can this guy that I call God, Jesus, Messiah, Father, Comforter adore me?? That is my thought tonight as I sit here writing this blog in tears listening to the song "How He Loves Us." He has taking EVERY dirty mark in my heart away and filled it with his LOVEE!! I know I am not the only one amazed by this.

I think of the cross... I think of Him, The King of Kings, hanging there. I think of Blood and Water pouring from His side... as HE hung there... for me. How in the world do I think of that sometimes and not be heartbroken! Infact I am heartbroken for not being heartbroken everytime I think of my HEAVENLY FATHER hanging on a cross!!

The craziness is He turns it into beauty. The most ugly and painful picture in my mind is Him hanging there and He turns it into something BEAUTIFUL!! How you may ask. Salvation. Love. Pureness. And this is amazing. and Beautiful.

He loves us! He wants us in Heaven with Him. He died on the cross for that. He rose again three days later to conquer death. He wants us there with Him. My prayer is that you have accepted this love... And if you have not. Hit me up. I wanna tell you the rest of this amazing story. Thats all for now. (:

With love,

Monday, September 6, 2010

Real life me.

-I love Jesus first of all.
-I love people.
-I believe God shakes you to bring you back to Him. Not to beat you down.
-I'm bad at sports. Pretty much all of them.
-Youth group is where I refresh. Its my energy boost for the week.
-It's hard for me not to talk about God... What can I say? Imma Jesusfreak!
-I like to bake cakes. But hardly eat them.
-Im waiting for my future husband! Im eager and excited to find out who he is! (:
-I have a heart for students. Just realized this about me.
-I stay busy most of my life.
-Missions is my future job. But its my life as well. Im on a mission all the time.
-I enjoy coloring.
-God is writing the story for my life. What an honor.
-I have been saved by grace.
-Randomness is very much what I live by.
-I have the Best Best Friend in the world!
-Im a happy person... At least I like to think so.
-Writing blogs is fun to me. So is life.
-Im suprised how much stuff is coming to my mind while writing random facts about me.
-I am a freshman.
-I struggle with patience. I want to be more patient.
-I struggle with not being perfect. Even though I understand I never could possibly be perfect.
-A lot of the time I just want to spin in circles like a little kid and be care free again.
-14. Finally. (:
-I pray for my friends constanly. I hope they realize that.
-Im blessed. No matter what I think.
-I want to make people happy.
-I want to make an impact.
-This is me.
-Real life.

Ok. So this is who I am. I had no idea what to write about so I just did this. (:

With Love. Tessa